
Google AdSense

A lot of this is dictated by the Federal Trade Commission or FTC. pondliThis is article will describe some of the common disclosures that you may need to include on your website.

Do you promote affiliate products on your landing page or blog?

The FTC requires you to divulge any affiliation with the company or products you are promoting, monetary or otherwise. You need to include a Compensation and Affiliate Affidavit on your website that references your connection with the company.

Do you use Google AdSense or other similarlamm Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising or Banner ad sources?

If you use any type of PPC advertising, you need to include a Contextual Advertising Compensative Affidavit that states that you may earn compensation from the advertisers when users click on the links of your ads.

Do you include testimonials for your products?

If you include testimonials for your products, you must include a Disclosure of Material Connections Between Advertisers and Endorsers. You must state under each testimonial whether the person giving the testimony received a promotional copy and/or other material compensation,lainglaing in order to facilitate their honest opinion for this endorsement. If an affiliate gives a testimony, then it must be revealed that the person is an affiliate and could receive compensation.

Do you send emails?

If you send emails to your list, then you should include a General Disclaimer at the end of your email that states that they opted-in to receive offers from you and talks about the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.

Do you sell information products or eBooks?

If you sell information products or eBooks, then you need to include a Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement in your information product that Includes language to protect you from warranty liability or other damages.

Do you have a blog that promotes things that are intended to make your customers money camellia502's diary?

If your blog includes information on "making money", then you need to include a Blog Disclaimer and Terms of Service With Earnings Disclaimer. This is necessary if your blog promotes any programs, products, information materials or other sites that are intended to help people make money.

Privacy Policy

Every website needs a privacy policy. The Privacy Policy should state that you are committed to protecting the privacy of your online visitors.my personal It also tells your website visitors that they can choose to be removed from your mailing list.

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Posted by kuama at 15:19 │IT